
The session started with Mentor shamlan speaking of people who have presented Kuwait in a way that even the eagle would have focused more on flying above Kuwait than other countries just to see the details of how it succeeded. M.Shamlan spoke about famous soccer players Faisal Al Dakhil and Jassim Yaqoub. These people are legends that have lost their spirit and it was on us to rejuvenate that spirit and make “Kuwaitis”remember and cherish these people that have made the name of Kuwait an important Country. Also, for the Kuwaitis to show their initiative  on helping the missing spirit to shine more and attracts not only Kuwait but also the world.

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During the second part of the day Generation 6 friends and family were asked to join the students in their session. Previous graduates from The Proteges have projected their voice and spoke about their experiences with the attendees that showed achievement and how unique is The Proteges community. Mentors and graduates showed that this is not only a summer program but a community and lifelong relationships because of how it builds up greatnesses and talents in supportive environment. Chancellor Abdullah Al Namish (Generation One) shared an amazing story that proved how special the experience is and how every Protege is special in his way. Also, mentor Mohammed Al Munaikh shared his amazing successful stories over the past 6 years and how Protégés made these years count productively form the “BossaBall” till “Ginwa” App and how every mentor including The Protégés helped to make it very successful.

Also, graduates of the previous generations went through their experience and how they achieved their final goals on their different projects “Random act of happiness”, “Concrete conversation” and “Raqsh”.

Then, G6 presented their project which is called  “Wasela” which means “a way” that focuses on making seminars and teaching people who cannot project their voices in a more creative way. By targeting the unfortunate people who are: orphans, special needs, autistic children, cancer victims, or people with Down syndrome. With this project we would have the chance in helping people to express their voices in different ways whether it was in music, dancing,  or painting.


Then, G6 presented their project which is called  “Wasela” which means “a way” that focuses on making seminars and teaching people who cannot project their voices in a more creative way. By targeting the unfortunate people who are: orphans, special needs, autistic children, cancer victims, or people with Down syndrome. With this project we would have the chance in helping people to express their voices in different ways whether it was in music, dancing,  or painting.
